2. Februar 2025 von KSadmin | Kommentare deaktiviert für Paris Express.
Paris Express Introducing new books by Katja Stuke and Oliver Sieber Florence Loewy 9 Rue de Thorigny, 75003 Paris Sat 8 Feb, 2025, from 4 pm
Besides various new books by Katja Stuke and Oliver Sieber—all of which are set in Paris—you can the „backlist“ of Böhm Kobayashi, the publishing project the artists have been running for 25 years. You could also find an anniversary selection of zines and rare artists books.
2. Februar 2025 von BöhmKobayashi | Kommentare deaktiviert für Die Fragile Stadt
débat La Ville fragile jeudi 6 février 2025 de 19h30 à 21h avec: Jochen Becker, Marie Tesson, Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber, DJ Sundae.
À l’occasion de la parution du livre La Ville invisible (Boehm Kobayashi, 2024), conçu dans le cadre de l’exposition Ruinen der Zukunft / Ruines du futur des photographes Katja Stuke et Oliver Sieber, qui a eu lieu à la MHH en juin 2024.
30. Januar 2025 von KSadmin | Kommentare deaktiviert für Behind the scenes.
Dear friends, supporters, ANT!FOTO-enthusiasts. In 2025 we start working on a new chapter of Cartographie Dynamique called Die vertikale Stadt (vertical city).Dealing with the questions of different layer of urban landscapes, the center of this new chapter will be a feature film, including location photographs, storyboards, soundscapes or short video-sequences. Beginning in Paris, the project follows the entire route of Metro Line 14 from Pleyel St Denis to Orly Airport. The tales of the ‘Vertical City’ will take you from Paris via Chongqing to Japan and back to Europe.
You can follow our virtual drifting—an online refencene library including books, art, videos, movies by great artists or role models for free. You just need to become a member or follower.
With your ANT!FOTO backstage pass»» you can become a suporter and have the opportunity to experience the creation of our new work from the very beginning. As part of the process, from Feb 2025 we will post drafts and initial ideas on this platform. You will have the opportunity to see sketches and notes, follow the development of the plot, outtakes, get insights into inspiration, see unpublished photographs or even images that may never be used in the final work. If you are one of the first 10 subscribers, you will receive one unique instax-print. At the end of each year, we publish a special photo zine exclusively for patreon-subscribers.
Over the coming weeks and months, we will also publish short videos of rare artist books in the collection »Looking at books«.
17. Dezember 2024 von BöhmKobayashi | Kommentare deaktiviert für Artist Talk, ANT!FOTO Bar
Katja Stuke und Oliver Sieber sind die Preisträger*innen des diesjährigen MO_Kunstpreises. Mit ihrer Installation ANT!FOTO BAR / Sumiyoshi (2019/2024) rückt im Kontext des einmal jährlich von den Freunden des Museums Ostwall e.V. verliehenen Preises erstmals das Thema Fotografie in den Mittelpunkt. mehr »»
Ausstellung bis 16. Feb. 2025
Fr 24. Jan 2025, 17 Uhr Dortmunder U, MO_Schaufenster, Ebene 5 Gespräch: Katja Stuke, Oliver Sieber mit Nicole Grothe, Sammlungsleiterin Museum Ostwall
26. November 2024 von BöhmKobayashi | Kommentare deaktiviert für ANT!FOTO BAR, Sumiyoshi Edition
Katja Stuke and Oliver Sieber were awarded the MO_Kunstpreis, Museum Ostwall im Dortmunder U. The exhibition shows the ANT!FOTO BAR including a selection of (rare) book, regarding Japanese artists groups like Gutai, EXPO70 Osaka, books about photography, theorie, some zines and mangas. Also a collection of zines and books by Stuke & Sieber from the last years. In the exhibition you find various other bodies of work like »Sumiyoshi Walk« a grid of 36 photographic prints of a »Walk« in Sumiyoshi, Osaka, following Norio Imai’s »Walking Event« from 1977. The bar also includes two video-monitors with two further walks »Nishinari« and »Ikuno« and also three unique marquettes of »Rain Dogs and Stray Cats, Kotobuki-Cho«, »Walk the Walk, Chongqing« or »Aubervilliers«. Another TV-monitors shows »Fax from the Library, Japan Edition«. Visitors are invited to take their time, sit down and read the books.
Jan 24, 2025 5 pm Artist Talk with Katja Stuke, Oliver Sieber and Nicole Grothe (head of collection) more »»
12. November 2024 von BöhmKobayashi | Kommentare deaktiviert für Nov 24. 2024, 11:30 Uhr
»Katja Stuke und Oliver Sieber sind die Preisträger*innen des diesjährigen MO_Kunstpreises. Mit ihrer Installation ANT!FOTO BAR / Sumiyoshi (2019/2024) rückt im Kontext des einmal jährlich von den Freunden des Museums Ostwall e.V. verliehenen Preises erstmals das Thema Fotografie in den Mittelpunkt.«
Preisverleihung und Ausstellungseröffnung: Sonntag, 24. Nov 2024, 11:30 Uhr
Künstlergespräch Katja Stuke und Oliver Sieber im Gespräch mit Nicole Grothe (Leiterin der MO_Sammlung) Freitag, 24. Jan 2025, 17 bis 19 Uhr
12. November 2024 von BöhmKobayashi | Kommentare deaktiviert für Dez 7. 2024, 18:30 Uhr
ANNELISE – RAUM FÜR BÜCHER UND BILDER widmet sich dem Fotobuch in unterschiedlichsten Formaten. Walk-in-Opening. 7. Dezember 2024,14 bis 21 Uhr Mit: Daniel Chatard, Thekla Ehling, Saskia Darija Gettel, Martin Lamberty, Nikita Teryoshin sowie um 18:30 Uhr Oliver Sieber und Katja Stuke.
15. Oktober 2024 von BöhmKobayashi | Kommentare deaktiviert für ANTiFOTO Matinee in Paris
“Above the rooftops, on wasteland and streets, in the basements. It grows and shrinks, offers space and freedom, inspires. It drives away, it is closed, it is colourful, noisy and stinks, it is annoying and painful. It is public and private, anonymous and cool, ugly and gorgeous. It is endless boredom, an eternal competition, emptiness and distress, a hiding place, an opportunity, a constant conflict. It is an inspiration, a playground, a prohibition; an investment, a disturbance, a nightmare. A jungle, a sound, a rhythm. It blocks the vista and provides the view. It expels, excludes, numbs; it is hectic and completely relaxed. It is dreamed, planned and built upon. And it is always more beautiful someplace else. The city.“
ANTIFOTO Matinée Photobook Breakfast Goethe-Institut Paris
from 10:30 am Croissants and Coffee
from 11 am photobook conversation with: Hannah Darabi & Benoit Grimbert Myr Muratet Damarice Amao Christian Omodeo Marc Feustel Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber
16. September 2024 von BöhmKobayashi | Kommentare deaktiviert für 25 Years: Böhm Zines.
To celebrate 25 years of zine-making we will publish 3 new issues. They will be released in November 2024 in Paris during the Photocopies bookfair. (3 issues for EUR 15, for subscribers: EUR 10)
6. Juli 2024 von BöhmKobayashi | Kommentare deaktiviert für Screening »Indian Defense«
Gwanghapdan Film Screening July, 6, 2024 Seongsu-dong, Seoul with works by: Ok hyun Ahn, Goseong, DoYeon Gwon, Hyoyeon Kim, Boyun Jang, Mine Son, Jiwon Kim, Corinna Schnitt, Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber
31. März 2024 von BöhmKobayashi | Kommentare deaktiviert für Ruinen der Zukunft // Ruines du futur
Exposition Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber Ruines du Futur du 18 juin 2024 Maison Heinrich Heine Cité internationale universitaire de Paris, 27C Bd Jourdan, F-75014 Paris
Dans le cadre de notre cycle autour du sport à l’occasion des Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024 se déroulera l’exposition Ruinen der Zukunft (« Ruines du futur ») des artistes Katja Stuke et Oliver Sieber. Ce projet photographique s’intéresse aux promesses futures de développement urbain et à l’évolution de l’architecture olympique, à partir les cas de Tokyo, Paris, Osaka und Seoul. Dans quelle mesure les grands événements comme les Jeux olympiques und EXPO modifient-ils la compréhension de l’espace privé et public ? Un regard particulier sera porté sur le développement du « Grand Paris » et ses enjeux.
31. März 2024 von BöhmKobayashi | Kommentare deaktiviert für Magazine Release: May 25, 2024
Above the rooftops, on wasteland and streets, in the basements. It grows and shrinks, offers space and freedom, inspires. It drives away, it is closed, it is colourful, noisy and stinks, it is annoying and painful. It is public and private, anonymous and cool, ugly and gorgeous. It is endless boredom, an eternal competition, emptiness and distress, a hiding place, an opportunity, a constant conflict. It is an inspiration, a playground, a prohibition; an investment, a disturbance, a nightmare. A jungle, a sound, a rhythm. It blocks the vista and provides the view. It expels, excludes, numbs; it is hectic and completely relaxed. It is dreamed, planned and built upon. And it is always more beautiful someplace else. The city.
Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber (Hg.) ANT!FOTO Magazine #7 Magazine Release and Exhibition
photo+ lab / ex LRRH_ Kapuzinergasse 24 40213 Düsseldorf
Release Event: 25.5.2024, 6 – 10:30 pm Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber in conversation with Pascale Obolo Natacha Nisic Paul Grund DJ Sundae
Later the same evening: DJ Sundae @ Salon des Amateurs Exhibition: May 17 - Jun 8, 2024 May 25 - Jun 8: »One Wall Take Over« by Paul Grund
31. März 2024 von BöhmKobayashi | Kommentare deaktiviert für Mimic, Katja Stuke
Exhibition: May 17. – Jun 2, 2024 Exhibition Opening: May 17. 2024, 6 pm SITTART Raum für Kunst im Atelierhaus Sittarder Str. 5, 40477 Düsseldorf
as part of: Düsseldorf photo+ Festival
The «multiverse« of Katja Stuke is black and white. It consist of various types of images: photographs by the artist, material found in archives and through internet-research, generated images by text-to-image KI, screenshots from blockbuster-movies, video-games, Second Life or other online virtual-spaces. Pixel-like the video reveals little by little different layers of photographs of architecture or landscape, (parts of) bodies or abstract images. At a pace so the eyes of the viewer get a filmic impression of different realities. Adapting these visual multilayer the sound by Axel Ganz follows this idea and add several audio-layers to the images.
The exhibition also includes another video „Xerox Quad“ with a rhythmic beats by Thomas Klein and some photographic notes by Oliver Sieber.
31. März 2024 von BöhmKobayashi | Kommentare deaktiviert für Schwarzes Licht
Exhibition / Opening Reception Katja Stuke & Oliver Sieber Schwarzes Licht Exhibition: 2 May – 25 Jun 2024 Espace Jörg Brockmann 32 rue des Noirettes / Studio 526 / CH-1227 Carouge more information »»
1. März 2024 von BöhmKobayashi | Kommentare deaktiviert für MO_Kunstpreis
Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir mit dem MO_Kunstpreis des Museum Ostwall Dortmund und der Freunde des Museum ausgezeichnet wurden. Ganz besonders freut uns, dass so die ANT!FOTO Bar eine besondere Anerkennung erhalten hat. Preisverleihung und Ausstellungseröffnung: 24. November, um 11.30 Uhr
17. Februar 2024 von BöhmKobayashi | Kommentare deaktiviert für La Ville Invisible
2024年3月2日 OAG TALK 02: Oliver Sieber & Katja Stuke(写真家)
ドイツ・デュッセルドルフを拠点に活動する写真家のオリバー・ジーバーとカチャ・ストゥーケによる、コロナ禍以降初となる日本でのトークをOAG Art Center Kobeで開催します。
2006年にレジデンスで大阪に滞在して以来、定期的に日本を訪れてきたふたりが近年取り組むオリンピックや万博といった国家的イベントの都市の風景に関するプロジェクト「La ville invisible (The invisible city)」について話を聞きます。 会場には本プロジェクトに関する大判作品やzineも展示。トーク後には交流会も予定しています。どなたでも参加可能です。お気軽にお越しください。
開 場:14:30 トーク:15:00-16:30 交流会:16:30-18:00 参加費:500円 会 場:OAG Art Center https://oagartcenter.com/ 阪急神戸線・岡本駅北口より徒歩約8分、JR摂津本山駅から徒歩約12分
The first talk by Düsseldorf, Germany-based photographers Oliver Sieber and Katja Stuke since the Corona disaster will be held at the OAG Art Centre Kobe. The duo, who have been visiting Japan regularly since their residency in Osaka in 2006, will discuss their recent project La ville invisible (The invisible city), which deals with urban landscapes of national events such as the Olympics and Expo 2025. Large format artworks and zines related to this project will also be on display at the venue. A social event is planned after the talk. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please feel free to come.
18. Januar 2024 von BöhmKobayashi | Kommentare deaktiviert für ANT!FOTO Bar.
Im Rahmen der Ausstellung »Images of the Present« bringen wir die Mobile ANT!FOTO Bar für einen Abend nach Stuttgart. Wir laden nach dem Vorbild kleiner japanischer Themenbars zum offenen Austausch über Fotografie und Fotobücher ein. Bei der Veranstaltung haben wir rare internationale Fotobücher und Filme zur Dokumentarfotografie sowie einige japanische Snacks und Getränke dabei.
18. Dezember 2023 von BöhmKobayashi | Kommentare deaktiviert für BORDER/LESS
Exhibition with works by: Katja Stuke + Yoshinori Henguchi, Oliver Sieber, Antonia Gruber, Sayaka Kuramochi, Marie Ogoshi, Anne Pöhlmann and Georgi Stanchev
Japanisches Kulturinstitut Köln Jan 12. – March 30. 2024
22. November 2023 von BöhmKobayashi | Kommentare deaktiviert für ANT!FOTO Fundraising
Support the upcoming ANT!FOTO Magazine #7 about Photography, Street & City, Music & Street Culture with: Paul Grund, Myr Muratet, Hannah Darabi & Benoit Grimberg, DJ Sundae, Natacha Nisic, Christian Omodeo and Damarice Amao.
Dear Friends and Supporters of ANT!FOTO Magazine, We are very excited to announce a fundraising event and crowdfunding campaign for the much-anticipated ANT!FOTO Magazine #7.
Sat. & Sun. Dec 9 & Dec 10, 2023 from 3-8 pm. Studio Böhm Kobayashi, Ronsdorfer Str. 77a, 40233 Düsseldorf
25. Oktober 2023 von BöhmKobayashi | Kommentare deaktiviert für Le Monde de Demain.
Release of a new publication: Le Monde de Demain, A Prologue. Delpire Books Paris, Sat Nov 11, 2023 Polycopies, Sun Nov, 12, 2023 Malenki / Between Books, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Nov 9 – 12, 2023
In 2023, we worked on »Le Monde de Demain,« a new chapter of »Cartographie Dynamique,« as part of ‚Regards du Grand Paris.‘* Our focus was on exploring the relationship between the ‚Banlieue‘ (suburbs) and the ‚Centre‘ (city center) of Paris, particularly in terms of the political and social landscape, urban transformation, and the visibility of various groups of people in this urban space. With a focus on »Paris 2024« and breakdancing, we conducted nine walks through the »Grand Paris« region, covering a total distance of 84.39 km, twice the distance of a regular marathon. In the year celebrating 50 years of hip-hop, our project connected different sites and areas, starting in the north, the birthplace of French hip-hop culture.
22. Oktober 2023 von BöhmKobayashi | Kommentare deaktiviert für SUPERNATURAL at Offscreen Paris
Katja Stuke’s SUPERNATURAL has been exhibited at OFFSCREEN Paris as part of the programm OFFTRACKS, a direct invitation to 3 artists to come and present their works at OFFSCREEN, in the spotlight of a renowned curator. read more »»